When entering bank details online, our statistics show that the customer makes a mistake in around 1 case in 40. Factor in the costs of correcting these errors – estimated at £50 each by Bacs – and you can see how quickly an expensive problem develops.
The BankVal feature validates UK bank sort codes and account numbers. This is the mandatory level of validation required for Direct Debit / Bacs processing.
BankVal checks that a given sort code exists and that the account number follows the validation rules for that sort code. If the sort code and account number are valid, information is returned about the bank branch (contact details, clearing information and more).

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Service APIs
NB Please ensure that your code is able to failover between the two endpoints if a problem occurs.
The endpoints are identical. Either one can be used as primary or secondary.
Please contact us to obtain uname and pin credentials.
Sample request:
Sample response:
"validationID": "7075bb7d-3612-4cc3-b93c-6a8561be737b",
"BankValUK": {
"ownbc": "0011",
"subbranchsuffix": "00",
"ccccretind": "",
"fpsstatus": "M",
"printminlocname": "",
"transposedsortcode": "090126",
"printcounty": "",
"printsecentryind": "1",
"printtelno2": "",
"chapssclosedate": "",
"bacssettsubsec": "02",
"bacsredtoscode": "",
"chapseswift": "",
"ccccgbni": "GB",
"bacssettbank": "0011",
"printtelarea": "0800",
"bacshandst": "01",
"chapsestatus": "N",
"bacsbsdisallowed": "",
"printmajlocname": "LIVERPOOL",
"printtelarea2": "",
"fpsaccnumflag": "Y",
"chapserbicbr": "",
"fpssettbankbc": "0011",
"printsecbrname": "",
"supervisorybody": "A",
"printtown": "MERSEYSIDE",
"chapsesettmem": "",
"result": "VALID",
"printindicator": "0",
"fpsredirecttosc": "",
"chapsechangedate": "",
"transposedaccount": "25727455",
"bacsddiflg": "N",
"fpshandbankct": "01",
"chapssstatus": "I",
"chapseretind": "",
"ccode": "",
"chapsschangedate": "17/12/2007",
"chapssrbicbank": "ABBYGB3E",
"ccccstatus": "M",
"bacschangedate": "06/06/2005",
"printaddr1": "",
"bacsprdisallowed": "",
"chapseclosedate": "",
"printaddr4": "",
"chapsretind": "",
"printaddr3": "BOOTLE",
"printaddr2": "BRIDLE ROAD",
"ccccchangedate": "18/07/2017",
"fpschangedate": "15/05/2009",
"ccccclosedate": "",
"sortcode": "090126",
"bacsaccnumflag": "Y",
"bacsredirectfrom": "",
"spare4": "",
"spare3": "",
"changedate": "18/07/2017",
"fpsspare1": "00",
"spare5": "",
"fpsspare3": "",
"bacssettsec": "01",
"fpsspare2": "00",
"spare2": "",
"spare1": "",
"printbranchname": "BOOTLE CENTRE",
"fpshandbankbc": "0011",
"bacsdrdisallowed": "",
"bacsclosedate": "",
"owningbank": "Santander",
"longbank1": "Santander UK plc",
"chapserbicbank": "",
"longbank2": "",
"bacscrdisallowed": "",
"fpsclosedate": "",
"printmainsc": "",
"bicbank": "",
"printfbrtit1": "Santander Bank Account",
"printpcode2": "4GB",
"printfbrtit2": "",
"ccccsettbank": "11",
"printfbrtit3": "",
"printpcode1": "L30",
"bacscudisallowed": "CU",
"bicbranch": "",
"bacsdvdisallowed": "",
"chapssrbicbr": "XXX",
"ccccdasc": "000011",
"printtelno": "0851785",
"fpsredirectfrom": "",
"chapsssettmem": "024",
"deletedate": "",
"fpssettbankct": "01",
"fpsagencytype": "",
"printbti": "M",
"bacshandbank": "0011",
"bacsaudisallowed": "",
"bankname": "BANK ACCOUNT 1",
"bacsstatus": "M"