Email Validation

Check that an email address is valid and relates to a live email account.

ISO 27001 Certified

These functions are used to check if an email address is authentic. EmailVal checks that the address is in a valid format and that the mail server exists.  EmailVerify goes a stage further and checks that the person entering the email address actually has access to the email account. A verification email is sent to the supplied address containing a verification link. Your organisation can choose the format of the verification email.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Service APIs


NB Please ensure that your code is able to failover between the two endpoints if a problem occurs.

The endpoints are identical. Either one can be used as primary or secondary.

Please contact us to obtain uname and pin credentials.

Sample request:


Sample response:

   "validationID": "b2f92806-3f42-4028-9803-51d8343a7915",
   "EmailVal": {"Result": "VALID"},
   "BankValUK":    {
      "ownbc": "0011",
      "subbranchsuffix": "00",
      "ccccretind": "",
      "fpsstatus": "M",
      "printminlocname": "",
      "transposedsortcode": "090126",
      "printcounty": "",
      "printsecentryind": "1",
      "printtelno2": "",
      "chapssclosedate": "",
      "bacssettsubsec": "02",
      "bacsredtoscode": "",
      "chapseswift": "",
      "ccccgbni": "GB",
      "bacssettbank": "0011",
      "printtelarea": "0800",
      "bacshandst": "01",
      "chapsestatus": "N",
      "bacsbsdisallowed": "",
      "printmajlocname": "LIVERPOOL",
      "printtelarea2": "",
      "fpsaccnumflag": "Y",
      "chapserbicbr": "",
      "fpssettbankbc": "0011",
      "printsecbrname": "",
      "supervisorybody": "A",
      "printtown": "MERSEYSIDE",
      "chapsesettmem": "",
      "result": "VALID",
      "printindicator": "0",
      "fpsredirecttosc": "",
      "chapsechangedate": "",
      "transposedaccount": "25727455",
      "bacsddiflg": "N",
      "fpshandbankct": "01",
      "chapssstatus": "I",
      "chapseretind": "",
      "ccode": "",
      "chapsschangedate": "17/12/2007",
      "chapssrbicbank": "ABBYGB3E",
      "ccccstatus": "M",
      "bacschangedate": "06/06/2005",
      "printaddr1": "",
      "bacsprdisallowed": "",
      "chapseclosedate": "",
      "printaddr4": "",
      "chapsretind": "",
      "printaddr3": "BOOTLE",
      "printaddr2": "BRIDLE ROAD",
      "ccccchangedate": "18/07/2017",
      "fpschangedate": "15/05/2009",
      "ccccclosedate": "",
      "sortcode": "090126",
      "bacsaccnumflag": "Y",
      "bacsredirectfrom": "",
      "spare4": "",
      "spare3": "",
      "changedate": "18/07/2017",
      "fpsspare1": "00",
      "spare5": "",
      "fpsspare3": "",
      "bacssettsec": "01",
      "fpsspare2": "00",
      "spare2": "",
      "spare1": "",
      "printbranchname": "BOOTLE CENTRE",
      "fpshandbankbc": "0011",
      "bacsdrdisallowed": "",
      "bacsclosedate": "",
      "owningbank": "Santander",
      "longbank1": "Santander UK plc",
      "chapserbicbank": "",
      "longbank2": "",
      "bacscrdisallowed": "",
      "fpsclosedate": "",
      "printmainsc": "",
      "bicbank": "",
      "printfbrtit1": "Santander Bank Account",
      "printpcode2": "4GB",
      "printfbrtit2": "",
      "ccccsettbank": "11",
      "printfbrtit3": "",
      "printpcode1": "L30",
      "bacscudisallowed": "CU",
      "bicbranch": "",
      "bacsdvdisallowed": "",
      "chapssrbicbr": "XXX",
      "ccccdasc": "000011",
      "printtelno": "0851785",
      "fpsredirectfrom": "",
      "chapsssettmem": "024",
      "deletedate": "",
      "fpssettbankct": "01",
      "fpsagencytype": "",
      "printbti": "M",
      "bacshandbank": "0011",
      "bacsaudisallowed": "",
      "bankname": "BANK ACCOUNT 1",
      "bacsstatus": "M"