This section describes the business contents of the extended ISCD XML extract. For details of the size, format and structure of the data, see the XML schema: Extended_ISCD_Extract_Schema; Global_Schema. For copies of these schemas contact the service desk. The schema version date is contained within the schema, and you should always ensure you are using the latest version.
The extract has approximately 20,000 records and the XML file is approximately 55 megabytes. When the extract is downloaded, it is compressed in a zip file that is approximately 1.5 megabytes. The extract displays all tags in the hierarchy. In the case of an empty field, the data is shown with empty tags.
The service names are as follows:
• BACSServiceOffice
• FPServiceOffice
• CHAPSSterling
The following details the different tags that show the participation of an office within a clearing:
• When an office has never been in a service it has a tag of <servicenameNull>.
• When an office has previously been open in a service but has now closed it has a tag of <servicenameClosed>.
• When an office is open in a service it has a tag of <servicename>. However, future dated closures effect the services differently. A bank office in:
– Bacs with a closure date in the future has a tag of <servicenameClosed>. Therefore, a bank office that currently participates in the Bacs service has a tag of either:
• <BacsServiceOffice>, or <BacsServiceOfficeClosed> with a future closure date.
– CHAPS Sterling or ICS with a closure date in the future does not show that closure date until the date is reached. Therefore, a bank office in CHAPS Sterling or ICS has a tag of <servicename> until any closure date is reached.
– FPS with a closure date in the future has a tag of <servicename> until the closure date is reached when the tag changes to <servicenameClosed>.
XML tag/attribute | Details of contents |
Bank | |
AbbreviatedBankName | The short name of the owning bank. |
BankName | The full name of the owning bank. |
BankCode | The bank code of owning bank. This code is allocated by Vocalink. |
SupervisoryBody | The supervisory body: • A – PRA/FCA • B – Other financial authorities • C – Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man • D – Other. |
Bank office | |
SortCode | The sorting code of the bank office. All bank offices that participate in Bacs, CHAPS Sterling, ICS and Faster Payments service have a sorting code. There may be several bank offices with the same sorting code; one main with one or more sub-bank offices. These are distinguished by a unique suffix. |
BICBank | These two fields make up the Bank Identifier Code (BIC) for the bank office. |
BICBranch | |
Suffix | The subbank office sorting code suffix. A sorting code can have multiple sub-bank offices each identified by a suffix unique for the sorting code. |
BankOfficeTitle | The short bank office title. Title appears, for example, on cheque books. |
NCBCountryCode | The national clearing bank country code. For bank offices that are Target NCBs, it is the ISO country code for the country the bank office is the NCB for. |
DeletedDate | The date the bank office will be removed from the ISCD as it no longer participates in any UK clearing; only populated if the date is migrated. |
DateLastChanged | The date the bank office was last amended, including the amendment, closure or removal of its participation from any of the clearings. |
PrintIndicator | It is 0 to 5. |
Bacs service | |
Status | Bacs service status: • M – The bank office of a Bacs scheme member; accepts Bacs payments • A – The bank office of a sponsored institution in Bacs; accepts Bacs payments • N – The bank office either does not participate in Bacs or has a future dated closure. NOTE: If the office has a future dated closure it will have a status of N. |
Toddaso4 | This flag is used to identify whether the bank office participates in the Account Switching service: • Y – The bank office supports full and partial account switches • N – The bank office supports partial account switches • null- The Bank office does not support account switches. |
DateLastChanged | The date that the details of the bank office’s participation in the Bacs clearing was amended. NOTE: Closure of the Bacs service is not considered an amendment for the purpose of this field. |
DateClosed | The date from which the bank office will no longer participate in the Bacs service. |
RedirectionFromFlag | If set to R, the bank office is set as the redirection sorting code of another bank office(s). |
RedirectionToSortCode | If the output from the Bacs service for this bank office is to be redirected, this field contains the sorting code to which payments are redirected. |
SettlementBank | The bank code of the Bacs scheme member that settles the output from the Bacs clearing for this bank office. |
SettlementSection | The data used for Bacs output and settlement. |
SettlementSubSection | |
HandlingBank | The bank code of the Bacs scheme member that handles the output from the Bacs clearing for this bank office. |
HandlingBankStream | The data used for Bacs output. |
AccountNumbersFlag | Account numbered flag: • Y – The bank office has transferable account numbers On redirection, due to branch closure, the account number is not set to zero. • N – The bank office does not have transferable account numbers On redirection, due to branch closure, the account number is set to zero. |
DDIVoucherFlag | The Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) voucher flag: • Y – The bank office cannot accept output of electronic DDIs; it requires printed vouchers • N – The bank office can accept output of electronic DDIs; it does not require printed vouchers. |
TransactionGroupCode | The disallowed transactions code. It specifies that the bank office cannot accept a particular transaction type: • DR – Direct Debits (transaction codes 01, 17, 18, 19) • CR – Credits (99) • CU – Claims for unpaid cheques (13) • BS – Interest payments (Z4) • DV – Dividend payments (Z5) • AU – Direct Debit Instructions (0N, 0C, 0S). |
CHAPS Sterling service | |
ReturnIndicator | If set to R, the bank office is the office to which returned CHAPS Sterling payments should be sent. |
Status | The CHAPS Sterling service status: • D – The bank office is a direct office that accepts CHAPS Sterling payments • I – The bank office is an indirect office that accepts CHAPS Sterling payments • N – The bank office does not participate in CHAPS Sterling; does not accept CHAPS Sterling payments. NOTE: If the office is set to close at a date in the future it will have a status of D or I until that date is reached. |
DateLastChanged | The date that the details of the bank office’s participation in the CHAPS Sterling clearing was amended. NOTE: Removal of the bank office’s participation in CHAPS Sterling is not considered an amendment for the purpose of this field. |
DateClosed | The date the bank office closed in the CHAPS Sterling service. |
CHAPSSterlingID | The CHAPS code of the CHAPS Sterling scheme member that settles the CHAPS Sterling payments for this bank office. |
RoutingBICBank | The direct BIC to which CHAPS Sterling payments for this bank office should be routed. |
RoutingBICBranch | |
CHAPS Euro service (service no longer available) | |
Status | The CHAPS Euro service status is N. |
DateLastChanged | These fields are null. |
DateClosed | |
RoutingBICBank | |
RoutingBICBranch | |
ReturnIndicator | |
RTGSIndicatorTargetSt atus | |
ICS service | |
Status | The ICS service status: • M – The bank office of an ICS Settlement and Switch Participant • F – The bank office of an Indirect Participant • D – The bank office of a Settlement Participant (that is not a Switch Participant) • N – The bank office does not participate in ICS (see field DateClosed). NOTE: If the office is set to close at a date in the future it will have a status of M, F or D until that date is reached. |
DateLastChanged | The date that the details of the bank office’s participation in ICS was amended. NOTE: Removal of the bank office’s participation in ICS is not considered an amendment for the purpose of this field. |
DateClosed | The date the bank office closed in ICS. |
SettlementBank | The bank code of the ICS Participant that settles the ICS output for this bank office. For ICS Settlement & Switch Participants and ICS Settlement Participants, this is the same as field 9. For Indirect Participants in ICS this is the bank code of one of the ICS Settlement Participants. |
DebitAgencySortCode | The bank code of the ICS Switch Participant that processes the ICS output for this bank office, filled to 6 characters with leading zeros. NOTE: Since the tag name for this field has not been changed, the field is still referred to as DebitAgencySortCode. However, the value in this field refers to Switch Participant bank code. |
ReturnIndicator | This field is null. |
GBNIndicator | This field is alphanumeric. For ICS purposes, this field identifies whether or not an office processes cheques (Request to Pay message) on Northern Ireland specific bank holidays. • (NI) – Does not process Request to Pay messages on Northern Ireland specific bank holidays • (GB) – Processes Request to Pay messages on Northern Ireland specific bank holidays |
Faster Payments service | |
Status | The FPS service status: • M – The bank office of FPS scheme member; accepts FPS payments • A – The bank office of FPS agency bank; accepts FPS payments • N – The bank office does not accept FPS payments. NOTE: If the office has a future dated closure it will have a status of M or A until that date is reached. |
DateLastChanged | The date that the details of the bank office’s participation in the FPS clearing was amended. |
DateClosed | The date the bank office has been to set to close in the FPS service. |
RedirectionFromFlag | If set to R, the bank office is set as the redirection sorting code of another bank office(s). |
RedirectionToSortCode | If the output from the FPS service for this bank office is to be redirected, this field contains the sorting code to which payments are redirected. |
SettlementBankConnec tion | The two-digit connectivity code (01) of the FPS scheme member that settles the output from the FPS clearing for this bank office. |
SettlementBankCode | The four-digit bank code of the FPS scheme member that settles the output from the FPS clearing for this bank office. |
HandlingBankConnecti on | The two-digit connectivity code of the FPS scheme member that handles the output from the FPS clearing for this bank office. Either: • 01 – FPS member • 02 – Direct agency • 04 – Responding third party beneficiary • 05 – Nonresponding third party beneficiary. |
HandlingBankCode | The bank code of the FPS member, agency or third party beneficiary that the Faster Payments routed payment will be sent to. |
AccountNumbersFlag | The account numbered flag: • Y – The bank office has transferable account numbers. On redirection, due to branch closure, the account number is not set to zero. • N – The bank office does not transferable account numbers. On redirection, due to branch closure, the account number is set to zero. |
AgencyType | The agency type can be either: • D – The bank office is a direct agency FPS payment requests are sent directly to the agency • I – The bank office is an indirect agency FPS payment requests are sent via an intermediary bank. The intermediary bank can be either an FPS member or a direct agency. |
Other bank office information | |
BankOfficeType | The bank office type indicator: • M – The bank office is a main bank office • S – The bank office is a subbank office; bank office has the same sorting code as a main bank office but also has a subbank office suffix • L B- The bank office is a linked bank office; bank office is linked to a main bank office with a different sorting code. |
MainBankOfficeSortCo de | If bank office type is L, this is the sorting code of the main bank office this bank office is linked to. |
MajorLocation | Major and minor locations associated to the bank office. |
MinorLocation | |
OfficeOrPlaceName | The bank office/place name. |
SecondEntryIndicator | The second entry indicator. It is 1 or 2. |
OfficeOrPlaceNameSe cond | The bank office/place name (second entry). |
OfficeTitle | The full bank office title. |
AddresseeName | The address details of the bank office. |
PostalName | |
AddressLine1 | |
AddressLine2 | |
CityOrTown | |
AreaOrCounty | |
PostCodeOutcode | |
PostCodeIncode | |
ZipCode | |
Country | |
InternationalPrefix | The telephone number of the bank office. |
Std | |
Number | |
InternationalPrefix | The fax number of the bank office. |
Std | |
Number |
This section details how to map fields in order to convert the XML extract to a flat file. It also details what data transformation may be required. For the purposes of this section “XML” refers to the extended ISCD extract in XML format, and “heritage” refers to the ISCD as a tab delimited file.
The following describes the fields that differ between the XML and heritage formats.
Address differences
In XML, the address is made up of 10 fields; in heritage it is 8 fields. The two new fields are: ZipCode. Country. For details of how to use these fields when creating a heritage format, see “Transformation details” on page 15.
In XML the first four lines of the address have been truncated from 35 to 33 characters.
Telephone differences
In XML, telephone numbers are made up of 3 fields; in heritage there are 2 fields. The new field is InternationalPrefix. For details of how to use this field when creating a heritage format, see “Transformation details”.
In XML there is an additional telephone number.
Other differences
The following differences also exist between the two formats:
• In XML, the fields are not necessarily in the same order as those in heritage
• In XML, there is a new field, Toddaso4
• In XML, BankName is one field; in heritage it is split into two fields
• In XML BankOfficeFullTitle is one field; in heritage it is split into three fields
• In XML the TransactionGroupCode (that shows disallowed transactions relating to the Bacs service) is a tag that can be used zero or multiple times to show the disallowed transactions; in heritage there are 7 fields (and 3 spare), one for each transaction code. NOTE: PR and spare fields do not have XML tags.
In the following table:
• The element column specifies the XML element that encloses the relevant source tag. Each Bank element contains a number of BankOffice elements. Only relevant elements are shown
• The source tag column specifies the elements containing the relevant data; attributes are marked with an @. Note that some elements generate more than one field in heritage
• The no. (len) column shows the field number and length (in brackets) in heritage. The length specifies the length to which the field should be padded or truncated following transformation
• The field description columns shows the field description as used in heritage
• The transformation column indicates how the data from XML must be transformed to create data in heritage format. For the key to entries in this column, see “Transformation details” on page 15.
XML extract Heritage extract | ||||
Element | Source tag | No. (len) | Field description | Transformation for output |
BankOffice | @SortCode | 1 (6) | Sorting code | |
BankOffice | @BicBank | 2 (8) | BIC bank | |
BankOffice | @BicBranch | 3 (3) | BIC branch | |
BankOffice | @Suffix | 4 (2) | Subbranch suffix | |
BankOffice | BankOfficeTitle | 5 (27) | Short branch title | |
Bank | AbbreviatedBankName | 6 (20) | Owning bank name | |
Bank | BankName | 7 (35) | Full owning bank name 1 | substr(BankName,1, 35) |
Bank | BankName | 8 (35) | Full owning bank name 2 | substr(BankName,36, 35) |
Bank | @BankCode | 9 (4) | Owning bank code | |
BankOffice | NCBCountryCode | 10 (2) | NCB country code (ISO) | |
Bank | SupervisoryBody | 11 (1) | Supervisory body | |
BankOffice | DeletedDate | 12 (10) | Deleted date | Date |
BankOffice | DateLastChanged | 13 (20) | Date of last change | Date |
BankOffice | PrintIndicator | 14 (1) | Print indicator | |
BACSServiceOffice | Status | 15 (1) | Bacs status | |
BACSServiceOffice | DateLastChanged | 16 (10) | Date of last change | Date |
BACSServiceOffice | DateClosed | 17 (10) | Date closed in Bacs clearing | Date |
BACSServiceOffice | RedirectionFromFlag | 18 (1) | Redirection from flag | |
BACSServiceOffice | RedirectionToSortCode | 19 (6) | Redirection to sorting code | |
BACSServiceOffice | SettlementBank | 20 (4) | Bacs settlement bank code | |
BACSServiceOffice | SettlementSection | 21 (2) | Settlement section | |
BACSServiceOffice | SettlementSubSection | 22 (2) | Settlement subsection | |
Stream | @HandlingBank | 23 (4) | Handling bank code | |
Stream | @HandlingBankStream | 24 (2) | Handling bank stream | |
BACSServiceOffice | AccountNumbersFlag | 25 (1) | Account numbers | |
BACSServiceOffice | DDIVoucherFlag | 26 (1) | DDI voucher flag | |
DisallowedTransacti ons | TransactionGroupCode | 27 (2) | DR | Use code or null (note, PR is no longer used) |
DisallowedTransactio ns | TransactionGroupCode | 28 (2) | CR | |
DisallowedTransactio Ns | TransactionGroupCode | 29 (2) | CU | |
DisallowedTransactio ns | TransactionGroupCode | 30 (2) | PR | |
DisallowedTransactio ns | TransactionGroupCode | 31 (2) | BS | |
DisallowedTransactio ns | TransactionGroupCode | 32 (2) | DV | |
DisallowedTransactio ns | TransactionGroupCode | 33 (2) | AU | |
Not applicable | Not applicable | 34 (2) | Spare | null |
Not applicable | Not applicable | 35 (2) | Spare | null |
Not applicable | Not applicable | 36 (2) | Spare | null |
Not applicable | Not applicable | 37 (2) | Spare | null |
CHAPSSterling | ReturnIndicator | 38 (1) | Return indicator | |
CHAPSSterling | Status | 39 (1) | CHAPS Sterling status | |
CHAPSSterling | DateLastChanged | 40 (10) | Date of last change | Date |
CHAPSSterling | DateClosed | 41 (10) | Date closed | Date |
CHAPSSterling | CHAPSSterlingID | 42 (3) | Settlement bank CHAPS code | |
CHAPSSterling | RoutingBICBank | 43 (8) | Routing BIC bank | |
CHAPSSterling | RoutingBICBranch | 44 (3) | Routing BIC branch | |
CHAPSEuro | Status | 45 (1) | CHAPS Euro status | |
CHAPSEuro | DateLastChanged | 46 (10) | Date of last change | The CHAPS Euro service is no longer in use. The status will be N and the other fields will be null. |
CHAPSEuro | DateClosed | 47(10) | Date closed | |
CHAPSEuro | RoutingBICBank | 48 (8) | Routing BIC bank | |
CHAPSEuro | RoutingBICBranch | 49 (3) | Routing BIC branch | |
CHAPSEuro | CHAPSEuroID | 50(3) | Settlement bank CHAPS code | |
CHAPSEuro | ReturnIndicator | 51 (1) | Return indicator | |
CHAPSEuro | RTGSIndicatorTarget Status | 52 (5) | RTGS indicator/ Target status | |
Not applicable | Not applicable | 53 (20) | Spare | null |
ICS | Status | 54 (1) | ICS status | |
ICS | DateLastChanged | 55 (10) | Date of last change | Date |
ICS | DateClosed | 56 (10) | Date closed | Date |
ICS | SettlementBank | 57 (4) | Settlement bank code | SettlementBank padded on the right with blanks |
ICS | DebitAgencySortCode | 58 (6) | Switch Participant | |
ICS | ReturnIndicator | 59 (1) | Return indicator | |
ICS | GBNIIndicator | 60 (20) | GB/NI indicator | |
FPServiceOffice | Status | 61 (1) | Faster Payments status | |
FPServiceOffice | DateLastChanged | 62 (10) | Date of last change | Date |
FPServiceOffice | DateClosed | 63 (10) | Date closed | Date |
FPServiceOffice | RedirectionFromFlag | 64 (1) | Redirection from flag | |
FPServiceOffice | RedirectionToSortCode | 65 (6) | Redirection to sorting code | |
FPServiceOffice | SettlementBankConne ction | 66 (2) | FPS settlement bank – connectivity code | |
Not applicable | Not applicable | 67 (1) | Spare | null |
FPServiceOffice | SettlementBankCode | 68 (4) | FPS settlement bank – bank code | |
FPServiceOffice | HandlingBankConnec tion | 69 (2) | FPS handling bank – connectivity code | |
Not applicable | Not applicable | 70 (1) | Spare | null |
FPServiceOffice | HandlingBankCode | 71 (4) | FPS handling bank – bank code | |
FPServiceOffice | AccountNumbersFlag | 72 (1) | Account numbers | |
FPServiceOffice | AgencyType | 73 (1) | Agency type | |
Not applicable | Not applicable | 74 (1) | Spare | null |
BankOffice | BankOfficeType | 75 (1) | Branch type indicator | |
BankOffice | MainBankOfficeSort Code | 76 (6) | Main branch sorting code | |
BankOffice | MajorLocation | 77 (30) | Major location | |
BankOffice | MinorLocation | 78 (30) | Minor location | |
BankOffice | OfficeOrPlaceName | 79 (35) | Branch/place name | |
BankOffice | SecondEntryIndicator | 80 (1) | Second entry indicator | |
BankOffice | OfficeOrPlaceNameS econd | 81 (35) | Branch name second entry | |
BankOffice | OfficeTitle | 82 (35) | Full branch title 1 | substr(BankOfficeFull Title,1,35) |
BankOffice | OfficeTitle | 83 (35) | Full branch title 2 | substr(BankOfficeFull Title,36,35) |
BankOffice | OfficeTitle | 84 (35) | Full branch title 3 | substr(BankOfficeFull Title,71,35) |
Address | AddresseeName | 85 (35) | Address line 1 | |
Address | PostalName | 86 (35) | Address line 2 | |
Address | AddressLine1 | 87 (35) | Address line 3 | |
Address | AddressLine2 | 88 (35) | Address line 4 | |
Address | Country, CityOrTown, AreaOrCounty, ZipCode | 89 (30) | Address town | Town |
Address | AreaOrCounty, Country | 90 (30) | Address county | County |
Address | PostCodeOutcode | 91 (4) | Postcode major | |
Address | PostCodeIncode | 92 (4) | Postcode minor | rpad(PostCodeIncode ,4,’ ‘) |
Telephone | InternationalPrefix, Std | 93 (10) | Telephone area code | Telephone code |
Telephone | Number | 94 (8) | Telephone number | substr(Number,1,8) |
Telephone2 | InternationalPrefix, Std | 95 (10) | Second telephone area code | Telephone code |
Telephone2 | Number | 96 (8) | Second telephone number | substr(Number,1,8) |
Transformation | Description |
<<blank>> | Do not transform the data. Pad the data on the right with blanks or truncate to the output length. |
Null | Do not output a value. Insert the field separator tab character. |
Use code or null | If there is a matching code in the element DisallowedTransactions use the code, otherwise set the code to null. |
Date | Reverse the date format and replace each hyphen with a slash. Change yyyy-mm-dd to dd/mm/yyyy |
substr(tag,pos,len) | Extract a substring from the value of the tag, starting at position pos for len characters. |
rpad(tag,len,’ ‘) | Pad the value of the tag on the right with blanks to a length of len characters. |
Town | Output field as follows: If Country is UNITED KINGDOM use CityOrTown padded to 30 characters else remove trailing blanks from CityOrTown and append a space append the AreaOrCounty take first 19 characters of result and append a space append first 10 characters of ZipCode end if Return the first 30 characters of the result. The result may contain slightly different data, for example, additional blank spaces. |
County | If the address country is “UNITED KINGDOM” output the AreaOrCounty padded to 30 characters; otherwise, output the Country padded to 30 characters. |
Telephone code | Output field as follows: If no InternationalPrefix use Std else if combined number of digits is less than 10 combine the trimmed InternationalPrefix, a space and Std else combine the trimmed InternationalPrefix and Std end if end if Return the result padded to the right with blanks to 10 characters. Note: “trimmed” means blanks on the right of the field are removed. |